Are you wasting hours every day on imported supplier data items?
Currently, it only takes 5 minutes to upload restaurant data to Costflows, and we will help you get the most detailed report.
Converting paper-based data into structured data
Give us the most burdensome things, so that the operating team can focus more on food
Log in with your phone number and shoot data to Costlfows. Automatically analyze all data in a single data.
We first classified the product according to the name of the product, then you can make a more detailed classification for the product. such as food->dry goods
We can use Chart of Account/GL Account, which is classified as a product in the accounting system for matchmaking. Earning numbers are fast and tight.
Unlike Dext/Hubdog, we don't just withdraw the total amount of data, we collect each product one by one. It is convenient to make more detailed analysis.
Through the Costflows analysis engine, the monthly purchase volume, average unit price, and price fluctuations of each product can be easily viewed in the app.
In the past, we didn't know the purchase volume or average unit price of expensive ingredients. It is impossible to negotiate a more favorable price. Currently, we can target the data in the report with a more favorable price for the supplier.